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From €130.00 / 2 h
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Metsä Koloalexandra@lapinmetsalainen.fi+358 452309309Company id:3087468-1Merchant terms

The excursions are tailored according to your wishes, including sitting by an open fire if you want to have a break. The guide knows the best places, the weather conditions and what is growing where and when. The excursions take place according to the timetable of the guide, who is a cosmetics entrepreneur and the wife of a farmer.


Wild herb excursions 

Join a guide to collect herbs of the season. After the excursion you will make natural cosmetics or care products to be used in sauna. 


 Mushroom excursions 

Join a guide for a mushroom excursion. We will identify and collect the most common edible mushrooms that are used for making a meal after the excursion. 


Mountain biking

Join a guide for a biking tour in the forest. You will get a chance to get to know the surroundings along old paths and forest roads. 


Swamp excursions 

Join a guide to see and experience the peatland protection area of Varpusuo. You will sit on the tussock to listen to the story of the swamp and enjoy silence.