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Bitten by the cloudberry bug?
Price includes 1 person.


Metsä Koloalexandra@lapinmetsalainen.fi+358 452309309Company id:3087468-1Merchant terms

When you book accommodation for your cloudberry excursion in Metsä Kolo, you can start picking berries right around the corner from your cottage, or by canoeing to the swamp. Metsä Kolo offers experiences by fire, in the lakeside sauna and in the form of a cooling morning swim, to say nothing of the imposing beds with duvets, pillows and linen of natural materials.


The package includes:

  • 2 in a log cabin / a rooms in the main house
  • evening sauna and swimming on Metsä Kolo's own shore
  • a half-day canoeing excursion with Canadian style open canoes (made in Finland) on Lake Saarijärvi, with equipment
  • unlimited amount of fresh, exactly the best water straight from the well
  • firewood in the barbecue area - an opportunity to cook on open fire
  • unlimited access to the outdoor toilet
  • luxury linen and flax towels, final cleaning
  • plastic containers with yellow covers to freeze your cloudberries in


If you want to, you'll also get a chance to visit a local natural cosmetics company, where you can familiarize yourself with its cloudberry products that you can also buy and take home to supplement your own cloudberry spoils.